By Hailey Michelson and Olivia Ford

Redwood High School has many students who are eager to get a head start on graduation. Lots of them are planning on starting a career as a doctor or an engineer, and therefore starting at college earlier will get them through the process quicker.

Mackenzie German, ’21, is graduating a year early. German wants to be a nurse when she is older which could give her an “early start” in the medical field. She has been set on graduating early not too long ago. German took a few college classes over the summer and “really liked the atmosphere there.”

Kaleah Syvirathphan decided as a junior to graduate a year and a semester early because “it’s a good kick start into my life.” Syvirathphan has always been a good student with good grades and started taking college level classes at COS her freshman year. Syvirathphan has noticed a big difference in her schedule compared to other students in her junior class at Redwood High School. She says, “any class that I take at COS counts as an AP class here at Redwood, which means I am already prepared to be in college level classes.”

Kaylee O’Neill, ’21, is also another redwood student who is graduating early. “I had the opportunity and I took it.” O’Neill talks about how she’s excited to move across the country to Michigan to live with her half sisters. She speaks on how she’s excited “to move out of Visalia and have a fresh start.” One challenge of graduating early is the amount of work the you have. O’Neill takes three college classes and has a major work load.

From starting your career early, or just to get out of high school sooner than they expected, graduating early has many benefits for different reasons that help out everyone.

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