By Autumn Batti

Photo Courtesy of Izzy Larsen

Along with all of the exciting things that happen during the week of Cowhide, the student ideas and creativity truly get to shine with the yearly tee-shirt design competition.

Students can design a tee-shirt and submit their ideas to Mrs. Aston, the ASB teacher and everyone can vote on their favorite design. 

The winning design will be the tee-shirts they sell for cowhide.

The student that wins the competition will not only get a free tee-shirt with their design on it but also a free spirit pack.

Back in 2019, around 22 students entered the competition. 

The deadline for submitting designs is the end of the day Thursday.

 ¨It’s another way to generate excitement for cowhide week and our whole tradition… It’s a fun way for kids to feel involved. You don’t have to be in ASB to be involved in cowhide…¨

Mrs. Aston, ASB Director

Izzy Larsen, ’23 designed and entered her own design into the competition.

She says she feels like she has the strength required for the job and to win.  Larsen also mentions she even designed the art club logo and tee-shirt as well.

Larsen says her inspiration for her design is her past designs and where she thought they could improve and took bits and pieces of each of them to combine to make her final design better than ever and well suited that truly represents redwood and the event as a whole. 

Some of the best parts about cowhide according to Larsen is ¨seeing the unity that forms in redwood… The game, especially if we win…the dress-up days and just seeing all of the students happy every single day.¨

“Designing a tee-shirt for cowhide, and seeing everybody wear the shirts at the end of cowhide week truly encapsulates the feeling of being a Redwood Ranger. All of us unified and being gathered together in our school spirit”, says Larsen.

Larsen continues, “I am glad to be able to participate in something this important and special to the school and I can’t wait to see how the results end up.”

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