Girls Varsity Tennis Wins the WYL Championship
This year’s Ranger Varsity tennis team won WYL, and is getting ready for Valley.
Fall Sports Dipping into Winter Sports
By: Ella Carney and Abby Miller Fall athletes are now finding that they are not able to try out for the winter sport that they desire to play until later […]
Redwood XC Attacks Mt. Sac’s Killer Hills
Over the weekend of October 19-20th, Redwood’s Girls and Boys Cross Country traveled just south of Los Angeles to Walnut, California for a two-day trip and a race at the […]
Redwood Falls Short
By: Vincent Aldridge The 64th annual Cowhide was one to never forget. The game began with Redwood kicking off to Whitney. The ball would be spotted at the Whitney 30 […]