Clubs & Lifestyles
Trunk or Treat: A Spooky Yet Cute Adventure
Monday, October 23, CSF held their ‘Truck or Treat’ in the student parking lot of Redwood High School. Families got to get fun treats while saying “Hello” to our Redwood Rangers.
The Ranger Spirit That Creates Magical Moments: Where Does It Come From?
You are under the gleaming lights of the Mineral King Bowl. Everywhere you look, you catch a glimpse of the wave of white and blue. You hear the final buzzer sound. Your team just scored the game winning touchdown. The student section erupts and roars with cheer.
A Ruff-day turned good with Agricultural Mechanics class Dog, Willy
Members of the Agricultural Mechanics class share how their class dog, Willy, came to be and his impact on their class.
Behind the Masks: Redwood’s Terror On Vista Strikes Students With Fear Once Again
On Thursday, October 19th, Redwood’s Link Crew program hosted its annual Terror On Vista. Rangers share their thoughts on planning the event and it’s execution.