Arts and Entertainment
Art Student Spills Paint; Sierra Vista Evacuated
By: Ayla Ozturk April 1st, 2022. In an art class, spilling paint can get you 20 years in prison. There are robots that ensure the safety of the paint. A […]
Redwood’s Percussion Carries Marching Band Success to Winter Season
With the Marching season ending, the marching band transitions to concert band and festival season, but what happens with the percussion? The percussion continues to compete, but now in a competition season just for percussion. So far they have had 3 competitions scoring as high as 1st on two occasions.
Argument Over Theoretical Egg Leaves AP Literature Students in Warring Factions
By: Micah Stipech Published April 1st, 2022 AP [Advanced Placement] Literature often engages in discussions and debates. Nate Mullet can typically keep his class under control, but following a discussion […]
Everything Entertainment Podcast Episode 3: Students From E-Sports Discuss the Games They Play
Podcast hosted by Jalen Bullock ’23, co-hosted by Isaac Reynoso ’23, and edited by Aidan Hatch ’22. In the third episode of the Everything Entertainment Podcast, Bullock and Reynoso talk […]