by Haley Michelson

Looking for shows to binge watch on Netflix?

Grey’s Anatomy has 15 seasons that have been released onto Netflix. Grey’s Anatomy is one of the most binge worthy shows on tv. It is going on to its 16th season so there will be no cliffhangers and you don’t have to wait a long time to find out what happens like most of the shows out there. This show contains lots of heartache and even more drama.

Grey’s Anatomy is about a team of surgical interns that try to make their way up to the top of the ‘surgical food chain.’ Everyone competes against each other stealing surgery and trying to be the favorite intern of their resident [the person who’s in charge of them].

Each episode is also 45 minutes to an hour long. It may seem like a lot to watch, but time flies when you’re actually into watching something because you are interested in it. Many people have had the idea to become doctors because of the show. Watching all of the doctors diagnose, try to fix and learn from their mistakes while working with common/uncommon medical conditions helps people learn valuable lessons. From not going to the doctors soon enough to learning to try your best in tough situations, shows like this can help you understand more about other people and how to act in different circumstances.

It is interesting to watch people live the life of a doctor under a lot of pressure. I started the show over the summer because I had nothing to do and I couldn’t stop watching it. I would definitely recommend it to anyone with a short attention span and for someone that has nothing to do.

Out of everything on Netflix, it one of the most binge worthy shows mostly because every episode brings different cases and different perspectives to many situations.  I would definitely say that I would recommend it to anyone.

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