By: Piper Figallo

Redwood students are going to be performing the musical Bye Bye Birdie on February 2nd through February 4th, 2023.

The story focuses on someone named Conrad Birdie who was a popular singer.

Conrad Birdie had been drafted in the army so Albert Peterson, his manager, makes a plan to send him to a small town to get a farewell kiss from a fan for a publicity stunt.

The winning girl, receiving this goodbye kiss, is Kim MacAfee, but she happens to already have a boyfriend.

More conflict occurs that unfolds the rest of the story and Redwood’s performance will show this.

Bye Bye Birdie was inspired by Elvis Presley, a famous rock and roll singer. Elvis was drafted into the army in 1957.

He was loved by so many people, so his fans were upset that their idol was being drafted. Elvis ended up serving in the Army and his manager released his music while he was gone.

This moment in music history is the reason why Bye Bye Birdie was created.

 Bye Bye Birdie was made on April 14th, 1960 by musical theater composer Charles Strouse. In 1963 this musical was turned into a film starring Dick Van Dyke. He played the character Albert Peterson.

The theme Redwood Drama is going for is “growing up”.

Redwood’s theater director, Mrs. Galvan, explains how the theme of the musical portrays finding the right time to become the adult you want to be.

Redwood students will be representing this theme in the upcoming musical.

If you would like to know more about Bye Bye Birdie you can visit:

Piper Figallo
+ posts

Piper Figallo '24 is a student at Redwood High school. Piper is dedicated to using her writing skills to produce great stories for the Redwood Gigantea.


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