Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.

Redwood Kicks off the 2023 Football Season

By Ryan Harris | August 18, 2023

The Rangers kick their season off this Friday in Bakersfield, CA. The Redwood Rangers play the Centennial Golden Hawks at Centennial High School. Varsity Football players Brendyn Robledo ’25 and Enrique Segura ’26, have high hopes for the season and the upcoming game.

Redwood High School to Host Annual Picture Day

By Megan Yang | August 15, 2023

Redwood Rangers will take their school pictures this week. Ordering options are available for families via the LifeTouch website.

Redwood ASB Opens Applications for the 2023-2024 Freshman Class Elections

By Ayla Ozturk | August 15, 2023

Redwood High School’s Associated Student Body [ASB] recently started the process for the upcoming Freshman class elections.

President and Vice President talk to crowd.

Ice Breaker Rally Photo Gallery

By Ceballos | August 13, 2023

Ceballos+ postsBioCeballos ’25 is a student journalist at Redwood High School. Which they’re now on their fourth year of working for the Redwood Gigantea. Where they continue to be a […]

Photogallery: The Ice is Broken!

By nmiller | August 11, 2023

nmillerWebsite |  + postsBioImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach some literature at […]

Photogallery: Redwood Hosts First Rally in the Gym

By Abigail Acevedo | August 11, 2023

Abigail Acevedo+ postsBioAbigail Acevedo, class of ’26, is a photographer for the Redwood Gigantea. She has a passion for music and movies, and is a huge dog lover, especially when […]

Guidance from the Heights: Wisdom and Words from Upperclassmen Following Round-Up

By Donya Hassanshahi | August 11, 2023

By: Donya Hassanshahi On Thursday, August 3rd, sophomores, juniors, and seniors met in the Redwood Gym from 8AM-2PM in attendance of the annual Round-Up. As Rangers enter the 2023-2024 school […]

Photogallery: Redwood High School Welcomes Students for the 23/24 School Year

By nmiller | August 10, 2023

Students at Redwood High School reunite with excitement and familiar faces on the first day of the 23/24 academic year. With the RHS Cheer squad setting the upbeat tone, a new chapter begins on campus.

Aletha Braun, New Link Crew Advisor, Becomes A Redwood Ranger

By Megan Yang | August 10, 2023

Aletha Braun will serve as Redwood Link Crew’s new advisor. Braun ran the ASB program at Ridgeview Middle School and continues to advise student leadership programs.

Photogallery: Freshman Orientation 2023

By nmiller | August 4, 2023

On August 4th, 2023, Redwood High School conducted its Link Crew Freshman Orientation. The event, led by Link Crew Advisor Aletha Jimenez, offered tours, icebreakers, schedule distribution, and culture-building activities. Link Crew, ASB, and Cheer Team members contributed to its success, helping freshmen familiarize themselves with the school environment and community culture.

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Adriana Soria-Rosales