Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
How Does this Extended School Closure Affect Graduation Status and Grade Paranoia?
By: Annabelle Williamson As the state-wide school shut down continues, many students don’t know how this time will affect them finishing their year at Redwood. Many school districts in California […]
When In Rome…guide to The Eternal City
By: Fleur Strik The Eternal City, otherwise known as Rome, is one of the biggest hotspots in Italy. Everyone wants to visit its beautiful art, buildings, history and wants to […]
Have You Met The Ginger?
By: Sydney Brammer Some of you may know Jackson Ford as “that kid with the really red hair” or “the ginger”, and if you’ve never met Ford that’s pretty surprising […]
Quarantine Life Hacks
By Lily Stetson Due to the inconvenient and unexpected break from school, Rangers have been faced with staring at the four walls of their home as they struggle to find […]
Redwood Students Experience Quarantine Blues
By Lily Mendes Cabin fever by definition is irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter. These exact symptoms have been expressed by […]
Quarantine Glow-up…
glow-up (plural glow-ups) The complete transformation of a person’s appearance for the better. It is fairly obvious that looks are everything. Even children, blissfully ignorant, can discriminate, observe discrimination, and […]
Movie Review: The Notebook
By: Emily Silva Cast: Rachel McAdams as Allie Hamilton, Ryan Gosling as Noah, Jr, James Garner as older Noah Jr, and Gena Rowlands as older Allie Hamilton. The Notebook is […]
By: Donya Akhavon Bedroom pop is basically a genre in which artists make their music at home rather than a studio. And it’s FIRE. There’s a certain vibe that comes […]
How this Pandemic Impacted Easter
By: Monica Aviles Many Christians around the globe celebrate Easter with church services, family gatherings, music, or even egg hunting. It is a holiday to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection from death […]
How are people staying active?
Donya Akhavon During these pressing weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak, California citizens have been required to stay home unless absolutely necessary. Now that we’re all barricaded in our houses, what’s […]