Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
Redwood Football Destroys El Diamante
The Redwood Rangers secured a massive win last Friday night at Groppetti Stadium as they beat the El Diamante Miners 42-14.
Spirit Lane Stripped by Torrential Rain
The painting of spirit lane is a tradition that has its roots in the mid-1950s. Since its first brandishing of the blue and white colors of Redwood, it has been painted yearly by ASB around Cowhide time. Showing Redwood’s devotion to school spirit and remembrance of its rivalry with Whitney.
Redwood’s “All-School Show” makes its way back in recent auditions
In 1954, this school changed its name from Visalia Union to Redwood. In ‘55, the first official “Redwood” class graduated. In 1956, the musical program began. Band and orchestra conductors, […]
PHOTOGALLERY:RHS vs EDHS Football 10.22.21
Post Views: 409 nmillerWebsite | + postsBioImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach […]
PHOTOGALLERY: Trackside life RHS vs EDHS 10.22.21
Post Views: 291 nmillerWebsite | + postsBioImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach […]
Redwood Boxer Prepares for Big Fight
Tyler Stark ‘24 is a 16-year-old Redwood Ranger with a boxing record of 3-0. He has a rematch fight against Jerret Crass at Soroptimist park opening round starting at 3 pm and going a total of 6 rounds or knockout.
Crabtree leaves VUSD Board seat vacant: What’s next?
Effective October 1, 2021, Mr. John L. Crabtree [Trustee Area 4] resigned from Visalia Unified School District’s [VUSD] Board of Education, leaving a vacant seat in the board room. As […]
Redwood Spoils Hanford’s Unbeaten Record
By: Seth Lopez, Photography by Nick Miller and Abby Miller Kickoff began on Friday at 7:30 at Mineral King Bowl, where the red-hot Rangers took on the undefeated Hanford Bullpups, […]
Multicultural Appreciation Club
The Multicultural Appreciation club (MCA) is designed to bring different cultures together and show their interests and different perspectives.
RHS Volleyball Senior Night: Photo Gallery
By: Abigail Miller Post Views: 127 Abigail MillerWebsite | + postsBioAbigail Miller ’22 is currently a fourth-year member of the Redwood Gigantea. As the Government & Politics page editor, lead photographer, […]