Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
Auditions for Fall Play from Space Coming In Hot
Audition’s for Space Princess Wars are arriving quickly. Stacy Galvan, the Theater Director encourages students to participate in the extracurricular activity.
Rangers ‘Round the World
The summer of 2022 was full of experiences for Redwood Rangers Morgan Castaneda ‘23, Brenna Brasil ‘24, and Daniela Ceballos ‘24.
Mrs. Aston Excited For Big Upcoming Events Planned By Hard Working ASB Students
The first day of school, the first rally, the Icebreaker dance, Club Day and the first football game are only a few of the events that are happening within the […]
Savannah Torres: Icebreaker Events are Best “in a Long Time”
Following Redwood’s first Icebreaker dance and rally since 2019, ASB president Savannah Torres ’23 reflects on the planning and outcome of both events, along with her thoughts on the upcoming Homecoming week.
Volleyball Kicks Off Their Season
Friday, August 12th, Redwood’s volleyball team scrimmaged Cenntenial High School located at Ridgeview Middle School.
Redwood High School Welcomes Principal Amanda Richard
Redwood ASB [Associated Student Body] held an icebreaker rally Friday, August 12. Amanda Richard Ed.D introduced herself and expressed her excitement about her new job.
Girls Water Polo Are Eager For Season Start After Long Summer Training
By: Emma Jenan School has started, which means that water polo season is just around the corner. Hannah Kempf, ’23, says, “I’ve been preparing for this season all summer. I […]
Redwood Rangers Football Players To Watch This Up Coming Season
The Redwood High School football team is returning with their first game of the season this Friday.
Photogallery: Icebreaker 2022 8.12.22
nmillerWebsite | + postsBioImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach some literature at […]
VUSD Installs Vape Detectors at Redwood
By: Nick Schonken Within the past month, students have noticed a lot of construction work on campus. Although not apparent at first, after the workers moved on to different construction […]