Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
The Impact of 4 Years in Drama
The Drama program is a big part of Redwood culture. Many students love it so much they continue with the program from their freshman year all the way to their senior year.
The Evolving Tradition of the Blackout Vs.Whiteout Game
Redwood Rangers share how they keep the spirit and tradition of the Blackout vs. Whiteout game alive.
Mr. Carrillo about upcoming COS Fall Festival
This week Redwood’s Ranger choir prepares for the upcoming COS Fall Festival on Thursday October 6th. Melchor Carrillo, the choir director says, “COS Fall Festival is a festival where choirs […]
Dance Force Captains Ready for the 2022-2023 School Year
Every year the Redwood Dance Force has team captains. This year’s captains are Bryann Block ‘23, Tegan Horton ‘23, and Madison Andrade ‘23.
The Early Homecoming Date Still Made It Possible For Students To Get Everything Done
Redwood Students make it possible to prepare for the 2022-2023 Homecoming game by getting everything in order.
RHS Band: How Band Students feel about this year’s show
With a new marching season on the rise, there is also a new marching show to accompany it. This year’s program, “Aquarium”, is about a child’s first experience at an aquarium and seeing things like the coral reef, jellyfish, octopus, and sharks.
VUSD Board Elections 2022: Student voting information
Students who turn 18 on or before Tuesday, November 8, 2022, can register to vote. Those living in Visalia Unified School District [VUSD] Trustee Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 will have the opportunity to vote for a governing board member.
Newest Bio Teacher Mr.Rojas Enters the Lab
New bio teacher Mr. Rojas expresses his thoughts on his first year of teaching at Redwood.
“Space Princess Wars” A comedic bridge between The Princess Bride and Star Wars
This year’s fall play, Space Princess Wars, comes to the Rotary Theater at Redwood on October 5, 6, and 8. The play contains an even blend of the movies The Princess Bride and Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, featuring iconic scenes from each, but adding in unique twists and jokes that keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
Groppetti Automotive recognizes auto shop students, Hailey Meraz and Ali Luna
Two Redwood Rangers, Hailey Meraz, and Ali Luna were presented with gift certificates and recognition for their internships at Groppetti Automotive.