By: Margo Moore

Redwood High School is known for it’s large selection of electives, one of them being 3D Art. 3D Art is an elective taught by Mrs. Latimer, and focuses on art that “takes up space in a room,” she says.

According to Mrs. Latimer, “there’s two classes here on campus for visual arts, one is 2D and then I teach the 3D one.” She says that they “do all kinds of things like with metal, ceramics, jewelry, paper mache, all kinds of stuff that actually takes up space like sculpture, so that’s predominantly [her] class is the 3D.”

Mrs. Latimer sees her class as “a fun class and a chance for kids to be creative and have like an outlet. It’s a fun class where they can be a little more social than maybe english or math where they kind of have to be quiet and work more individually.”

“So yeah, it’s just a lot of fun, we try to have fun in this class and just make it a good time and help people to be creative and just kind of find themselves through art,” she says. “Right now we’re working on paper mache…right now they’re doing a sculpture, it’s a pop art sculpture, so based on that theme and then taking into, like, the 3D realm with paper mache and like chipboard, cardboard, so eventually they’ll be able to stand on their own and they’ll paint them.”

Her student Julian Pattituci, ’23, says “we’re constructing these boxes into different shapes, different logos like, for me I’m doing the TikTok logo.” Alex Ortiz, ’23, “was making like uh… it’s just a box, I was just going to draw on it. 

Both Pattituci and Ortiz view 3D art as a good class for socializing. “It’s very… you get to socialize a lot,” says Pattituci, “you find out that a lot of people are actually really friendly.” “You get to socialize a lot and work with lots of people and work on different things throughout the whole entire semester,” says Ortiz.

“Most of my classes are beginning so we start off really basic with just color theory, design elements, art elements, and a lot of paper projects,” says Mrs. Latimer. “We have the art club connected to it too so you can go be in the art club and do extra stuff and trips and stuff, it’s just a really tight group that’s cool and a lot of fun, and I hope people keep signing up for it.”

Margo Moore
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Margo, 25', is a sophomore at Redwood High School and a second-year journalism student who works as an arts and entertainment writer for the Redwood Gigantea. She also loves to take photos and publish photogalleries. You can reach her at


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