Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
Trustee Area 4: Crystal Reynolds runs for VUSD Board of Education
Crystal Reynolds is one of three candidates running for the Visalia Unified School District [VUSD] Board of Education as a representative of Trustee Area 4. She is endorsed by the Tulare County Republican Party and the Blessings of Liberty.
The Armed Services Vocational Battery Test: For Students Joining The Military After High school
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery [ASVAB] test will be taken in the cafeteria from 8am to 12:30 pm.
Woodbury’s Wonders
There are many teachers on the Redwood Campus who put a lot of effort into making their classroom feel comfortable and welcoming. Some take a different route and choose to make their room unique and one that their students will definitely remember.
Trustee Area 1: Walta Gamoian Runs For Re-Election
Incumbent Board Clerk Walta Gamoian is one of two candidates running for the Visalia Unified School District [VUSD] Board of Education as a representative of Trustee Area 1. Gamoian is endorsed by the California Teacher’s Association, the Tulare County Republican Party, and the Visalia Police Department.
Redwood Coach’s Perspective on Football Season
As the football season comes to a close, Redwood coaches give their points of view on how the season has been going. The coaches have made huge adjustments from last year to this year, and some new coaches have been brought in.
Giddings Street Temporarily Shut Down
On Wednesday, November 2, 2022, Giddings Street and the bridge connecting Redwood High School’s two campuses were temporarily shut down for maintenance.
Where Can We See the Hide?
Redwood High School got the Cowhide back from rival school, Mt. Whitney. After the hide being gone for an entire year, and losing Cowhide last year, returning students may have forgotten where they can see the hide. Freshmen might also be wondering if they will be able to see it.
Cowhide Print Edition Vol.67 Iss. 2
Post Views: 1,650 Staff Report+ postsA Heartfelt Farewell: “Log Video” Celebrates the Class of 2023Print Edition: Issue 4 Volume 67 3.31.23Vol 67-Issue 3 February 24, 2023Photographer Tackled at Cowhide
VUSD Board Elections 2022: What Does a School Board Do?
The role of the trustees on a school board is to ensure that school districts are responsive to the values, beliefs, and priorities of their communities. Boards fulfill this role by serving five key responsibilities.
Runnin’ Redwood Episode 3 Season 1
In this episode, Sadie Hemphill, ’25 talks about her high school experience thus far as she joins Keira Bixler, ’24, Bella Aldridge, ’23, and Donya Hassanshahi, ’25.