By Elli Hendrickson

The 2022 school year is coming to an end with the ‘22 seniors saying their goodbyes.

With the ‘22 seniors leaving, there were a few pieces of advice that they had to leave for the Juniors.

Bri Abney ‘22 says she “want[s] the juniors to participate in Cowhide because we have the best student section!”

Abney also adds that she “wishes [she] knew before going into [her] senior year how many ‘lasts’ [she] would have.”

She ends with some advice saying to “enjoy every moment as you can because senior year is so special.”

Adding “have fun and work hard!!”

Kolby Howard ‘22 says “High school goes by fast, get involved in everything you can”

He adds “Go to school activities, get your work done when it is due so you don’t have late work to catch up on.”

Howard continues by saying “Go to as many sporting events as you can”

Finishing by saying “Enjoy every day of it, and make it a blast.”

Kylen Gray ‘22, says that you should “make sure you’re on top of your scholarships.”

Adding “get your college applications done early. You just have to do them, otherwise you’re going to wait till the last minute and it’s going to be horrible.”

Gray also says that juniors should “participate in every spirit day”

Continuing with “I feel like it’s been pretty dry this year so just make sure to make it fun for everyone else.”

Bella Galaviz ‘22 says she wishes she knew that senior year was “going to go by a lot faster than expected”

She added that she felt like “all of high school went by so slow, then senior year felt like it was a month and then it was over”

Galaviz hopes that the juniors have a great senior year and encourages them to “have fun and take lots of pictures!”

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