By: Katelyn Weddle

With a new school year comes many new clubs, one of these clubs being the Yoga Club. 

Photo courtesy of Savanah Southern

Savanah Southern, ‘21, is the founder of the Yoga Club. She is a very involved Ranger by being a part of the Law Academy, and numerous clubs including FBLA, CSF, and the Green Club. 

Southern started the Yoga Club on September 19th. As of now, she is making YouTube videos of herself doing yoga, in hopes of teaching others how to properly do it themselves. In the future, she plans on having others submit videos of themselves doing yoga and maybe even doing live sessions together over Zoom.

When asked ‘Why yoga?’, Southern ‘21 says, “I felt that students and my peers should experience the benefits of yoga, especially in a stressful time like this.” For her personally, it helps her relieve stress. For others, yoga is a quiet time which allows them to focus on their heart, soul, and mind, which can lead to stress relief. 

This is Southern’s newest video: Essential Yoga Flow

Abigail Murrell, ‘23, is a member of the Yoga Club. She says that she enjoys yoga because it “has a lot of physical benefits, and it’s especially gentle.” Murrell, ‘23, explains that yoga is a nice form of exercise that is easy on her joints. Along with this, she feels it is a good opportunity for her to “forget about outside stressors and just focus on myself for a bit.”

Another member of the club, Ariana Valencia, ‘24, shares some of her favorite yoga poses. She enjoys the “triangle pose, tree pose, pigeon, and dolphin.” These poses give Valencia, ‘24, “a really good stretch and make [her] feel recharged.”

Southern, ‘21, has been doing yoga for about a year, and throughout that time she has gained insight for that are just beginning yoga. 

“For someone just starting yoga, I would tell them to accept whatever comes their way, and be you in the moment of practice.”

Savanah Southern ’21

She says that no one is going to be perfect in the beginning. The best thing you can do is find a quiet place, focus on yourself, and practice. 

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