By: Madison Navarrette

As Cowhide week quickly approaches, more talk is coming up on all the dress up days and excitement it entails. Each day is something new, and the teachers and students can’t get enough of it. There are so many people who show their creativity and do their best to show their spirit by wearing paint, putting on crazy costumes, and so much more. Once everyone gets involved, you can just feel the excitement in the air.

ASB works their hardest to make sure that the dress up days they choose will be liked, and are fun for everyone. This year, students were able to choose from a variety of dress up days. This year, the students chose pajama day, sports day, meme day, squad day, and as always, ranger pride day. Junior class president, Jimmy Thongseng, ’20, says that “… ASB does our very best to give kids the fun they need no matter the situation.”

When everyone dresses up, it builds a sense of community. You don’t even have to go all out and dress head to toe in the in the outfit of the day. A little goes a long way, and you can wear the absolute minimum and still feel a part of the community. Leslie Arellano, ’19, says that “…  People should dress up for spirit week to get involved because some people are really shy, so dressing up is a really great opportunity to get involved. It’s also really fun to see ever ones creativity. “

There is a lot of preparation going on for Cowhide, and we all can’t wait to cheer on our team and dress up like idiots during the week with our friends. We never fail to show our spirit and we sure won’t fail to this year.

The dress up days for Cowhide Week 2018:

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