By: Lilliana Aguirre

During this semester, English Honors classes started their passion projects. These passion projects help foster passion development within each student. It also helps teach students the organizational skills needed for a semester-long project.

Passion projects allow students to tap into new hobbies as well as previous ones. Aiden Kempf ‘22 explains how he’s been “go-kart racing for about five years now” and would like to share that with his fellow peers. 

Every year students show their talents, beliefs, and as said before, their hobbies. This year, Jaki Ramirez ‘22 reveals she is “researching the rising discrimination rates in the past generation and successful Latinos that have been oppressed.” There is a surprising amount of students that talk about political topics for their passion project because they enjoy learning about their culture and teaching it.

Most of the time, there are students that have no clue what they’ll do for their project, but end up benefiting from starting something new. Tessa Hemphill ‘22 shares how “this will give students a chance to try something new and realize that they actually love it.”  

Not only do they benefit from this in a personal way, but in an academic way as well. Students research about the new hobbies they’ve discovered and old hobbies they’ve been doing for years.

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