By: Gabriela Mora

Over winter break, many of the students on campus don’t think about what the teachers are planning on doing. They don’t have any interest in what some of their favorite teachers will be doing with their free time. We took the time to go and ask some teachers what plans they had for their break. 

English teacher, Ms. Howell will be going down south to visit her family. She also plans on giving some of her time to grading papers. “I would like to go snow shoeing at Sequoia National Park.”, this happens to be one of Ms. Howell’s things on her bucket list. Ms. Howell says that eating is going to be one of the main things that she will doing. She will be eating some of everything.

Another teacher, Mr. Huerta also plans on spending time with his family. Since he is currently coaching the Frosh basketball team, he wants to have three to four practices a week. His family makes tamales, menudo, and posole. He plans on eating all of this and enjoying his time. He has two kids, Jonah and Jacob III, he will be enjoying some quality time with them. As a family they want to visit the snow and go to the coast to visit his mom and sister.

Another English teacher, Ms. Farriss plans to get together with her two daughters and rent a cabin in Shaver Lake. She plans on staying out there and doing some fun activities in the snow. They will be drinking lots of hot chocolate and playing lots of board games in the mix of being in the snow. She hopes that the last thing she does is some cleaning.

This is just some of the teachers. They all go into some traditions that everyone else does. They will be visiting the snow like many more people from school. Along with that, they will be eating lots of food and drinking lots of hot chocolate throughout their break.

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