By: Emily Silva

Tulare county had been given a grade based on how we were doing within our shelter in place, which was a D-. The Sun-Gazette article, “Tulare County barely passes for social distancing.”, stated, “The D- was an improvement for Tulare County which received an F on March 25th.”

Tulare County doesn’t seem to be following the rules very well, many people are still hanging out in groups and going out when it’s not essential.

Hailee Vang, ’21 states she doesn’t mind staying home all the time, “Honestly staying isn’t that bad, I get a lot of work done around the house and I’ve been getting a lot of my online work done.”

She also does miss being at school seeing all her friends and being able to walk around campus all the time. Vang has also been spending her time, “practicing makeup, reorganizing my room, taking pictures, and working out to make sure I stay in shape during this.”

Even with the shelter in place/ quarantine, it doesn’t mean we’re not allowed outside, in fact, it is advised. That means going outside to get fresh air, getting exercise, such as going on walks, riding bikes, running, etc. It also means we should only be with our immediate family, it doesn’t mean get with some friends and hang out.

When Vang heard how Tulare County isn’t following the shelter in place rules, she states “I find this very true because it seems like there are a lot of people out for nonessentials or people are still hanging out in groups when we’re not supposed to.”

“This is very true, people aren’t understanding how serious it is for us to stay home.”

Kristina Khounpaseuth ’21

Larry Nelms, ’21 states, “I spend quarantine by playing with my animals, cleaning and working with my dad on a daily basis.”

Nelms also states “I try to go out by riding my bike around my neighborhood and working with my dad for some exercise.”

Staying home during this time is critical to the health and safety of the people around us. Even though Tulare County has a D- in this area, you can still do your part in preventing the spread of this virus by staying home.

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