by Emily Silva

Redwood’s Stagecraft Class helps a lot during any show that is put on by Redwood Theatre Arts by building and setting up all the props.

set building during “load in” days

Israel Cisneros,’21 also known as Izzy, is assistant stage manager for stagecraft. When asked about the work he said, “It takes us probably the whole semester, it depends on the show like this year it’s taken us the whole semester to set everything up.”

When stagecraft is setting up they’re able to get help from people to make sure all props get done and painted, “we always have students in advanced drama, teachers help us and we get some help from woodshop.”

painting the yellow brick road during load in

Drama starts setup for the spring musical right after the fall play, “Because of the timing we have to have most of the set ready for ‘load in’ day.”

Izzy was talking about how stagecraft has a ‘load in’ day for the musical where “we bring in everything we need for the play and set everything up in the theater, this is normally a two day process. We’ll spend a whole day taking everything to the theater and getting as much ready for the show.”

Many students in stagecraft have a lot of fun in the class because setting everything up is a great project.

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