By: Sabrina Hirani

As high school students we have a lot of events and different things going one and it is sometimes hard to keep ourselves organized. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you stay organized and productive throughout the school year. These tips could also help you in the future as well if you want to stay organized and productive.

1. Planners

Example of a Planner from Day Designer

A planner is really important to have because it really helps with time management. Us students tend to struggle with time management and a planner helps us avoid that. In the planner, you should write down all the events that are going on during the month and also write homework that you have to get done throughout the week. 2021 Planners

 2. Set your own Deadlines

Next thing is to have deadlines for yourself. Everyone struggles with turning in assignments so setting deadlines for yourself will help you turn your assignments in on time. For example if an assignment is due 2 weeks from today, you turn in the assignment a week before the due date. As you do this, it would also reduce the amount of stress loaded on our shoulders. 

3. Focus on One Assignment at a Time

Next is trying to focus on one assignment at a time. Multitasking seems pretty easy and better but it puts more load and stress on your head. When doing an assignment while watching a movie or a show, the results would not be the best because you are trying to focus on two things at a time. The best thing to do is to finish one assignment, then take like a 10 to 15 minute break, then continue with finishing all your assignments. You can finish your assignments while also having time to do other things as well.

4. Try to not use Social Media while doing Assignments

We tend to get really distracted from our phones when we are trying to do assignments and finish work. The best thing to do is to put your phone away in a drawer or just keep it away from you because once you are on your phone, you get carried away. When you take your break from doing homework, then you can go on your phone and check your social media, but the more you check social media the more you will get distracted and start procrastinating from doing work. 

5. Double check on all the Homework you have Due the Next Day

Make sure to check your homework the night before

Lastly, make sure to double check all the homework you have due the next day. We have many things to complete while also having many priorities like clubs and events. With many priorities on our plate we forget the most important priority which is homework. With double checking your planner to see if you have done your homework it would prevent you from doing homework at the last minute of class or pulling all-nighters.

The best advice to staying organized and productive is do what is best for you because some people do not like to use planners because it is just a waste or some people can multitask, so do what is best for you.

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