By: Kenzie Collins – Staff Editor 

You probably recognize the name Surfer Dude Wes from the PBIS video shown to the students in the gym. Who could be the infamous dude? The man behind the voice is Weston Watson, ’19, here at Redwood High School. 

Along with Advanced Video Broadcasting, Watson is involved in the Engineering program. Watson said, “It’s my first year [in Redwood Video]. I’ve been involved in doing videos for a long time now. I enjoy making videos at my house just for fun.” He decided to take the next step further and join the class. 

Despite Watson’s talent in creating videos and voices that people enjoy, it is not something that he would like to pursue as a career. Watson said, “I just like doing it on the side. I actually want to be a computer engineer. I’m really into coding and programming, it’s really intriguing to me.” Not to worry, Watson will still be continuing making videos on his YouTube channel. 

The whole idea behind Surfer Dude Wes was created behind the incentive of Mr. Marroquin to Watson to create a PBIS informational video. Watson said, “I got tired of just doing my normal voice, so I decided to spice it up. I was going through different accents and surfer dude sounds laid back. People might relate to him, vibe with him.” 

With the iconic voice that everyone knows and loves, Watson has gained a new found fame after the video. Watson said, “Everyone just walks up to me now like ‘Surfer Dude Wes! What’s going on?’ I kinda just go with it.” It doesn’t bother him when people ask him about it, so if you see Watson give him a surfer dude high five!

To see more of Watson’s videos on YouTube, be sure to like and subscribe to his channel Weston Watson. 

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