By: Kenzie Collins & Annabelle Williamson – Staff Editors

On Wednesday, January 16th, 2019; motivational speaker Keith Hawkins came to the Redwood High School campus to speak to the students over the course of two different assembly’s. Rangers were not only moved by his words of encouragement, but his ability to add humor to his presentation. He interacted with the audience with stories and advice for getting through high school by being a positive human being overall. He pulled students out of the audiences and asked them questions to prove how welcoming and close knit Redwood is.

For 25 years, Hawkins has been motivating others with his presence. Before doing this, Hawkins had smaller jobs at Costco and Del Taco– but other than his jobs in college he has only been a speaker.

Hawkins has been to not only Redwood, but also made an appearance at Golden West. Five to six years ago, Hawkins spoke at Redwood three times to the Class of 2018, who were freshman at the time. Hawkins said, “It is an amazing school.”

Keith Hawkins, second assembly

Hawkins became a speaker because of a man named Phil Boyte. Boyte also travels around motivating students. Hawkins said, “I heard him speak and it just made me feel that where I was at in my life, something good could still happen for my future.” Rather than taking whatever life threw at him, Hawkins made something of himself with his given circumstances.

Hawkins wants to do what he can to make people feel better and to take them out of dark places. One of the main points Hawkins tries to make to students is to give what you need. Hawkins said, “Don’t compare just love your life. Even the things that are very difficult, it’s still making you who you are.” When students take a step back and stop comparing, we realize how similar we all are. Hawkins said he wants people to realize this, and consequently spread more kindness and love.

“We create habits and habits create us.”

Keith Hawkins, 2019

There are many ideals that Hawkins will stand behind, but one thing that he wants everyone to receive from his messages is that we are all here for a reason. Hawkins said, “Once you figure out your purpose in life, and you get to the top– don’t forget to send the elevator back down. Make sure you bring other people with you.”

To learn more about Keith Hawkins, and what he does, you can visit his website for more information.

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