Post Tagged with: "#sports"
Continuing The Legacy-Redwood Baseball
Redwood High School’s athletics program is well known throughout the valley for not only incredible records, but the decades of dedicated athletes that represent our school.
Bruce Sisters- An Unbreakable Bond
Having a sibling is a very special thing, but playing on the same team creates an untouchable bond. Paityn Bruce, ’24, and Kwyn Bruce, ’26, are both members of the Redwood Varsity girls soccer team.
Before the Whistle-Rangers Prepare to Take On The Trailbrazers
The Redwood Boys Soccer Varsity team is preparing for their next game against Golden West on Friday, January 19th. By: Jordyn Soto This Friday night, Redwood Boys Soccer takes on […]
One Last Ride-Seniors Reflect On Their Final Season
Baseball season is fast approaching at Redwood and the Rangers are preparing to have yet another strong season.