Post Tagged with: "soccer"
Fun Soccer Hairstyles
By: Madison Fortney Soccer season is in fact here and with it comes a lot of players that are looking for new ways to upgrade their game. One new and […]
What’s Inside a Varsity Girl’s Soccer Bag?
By: Madison Fortney “I’ve had this penny for 5 years, I can’t play a good game without it.” If you are an athlete, you know how important your bag is […]
Women’s Soccer Attacks Cancer
By Ciera Sesock Women’s soccer hosts their second annual Red Card Cancer Game this Friday, January 17th during their home game as they face off against El Diamante High School. […]
Athlete of the Week: Jose Rosales
Redwood’s very own Varsity Soccer headliner, Jose Rosales, ‘21, returns to the field his Junior year with the promise of dedication and dominance to aid his team to succeed.