Post Tagged with: "redwood rangers"
Elias Perez premieres as Willard Hewitt in upcoming musical: Footloose
By Donya Hassanshahi As the date of the spring musical, Footloose, comes closer, students are frantic to perform in front of families and students. With this being the final semester […]
Varsity baseball swings into spring season
By Ellie Gilbert and Brooke Hacker The Redwood baseball team is excited to kick off their 2022 season. They’re coming back, more ready than ever after losing WYL to El […]
Kylen Gray-Jacobson obtains lead role in musical: Footloose after nearly two years without live performances
By Donya Hassanshahi With the premiere of the musical Footloose this week, leading role Ren McCormack is brought to life by drama student Kylen Gray-Jacobson, ’22. When receiving word that […]
Camryn Deisman returns to the stage in this years Musical: Footloose
The arts are one of the most popular elective choices taken up by Redwoods students, the arts can be done in many forms and one of the biggest events in the art and drama department is Redwoods yearly musical.