Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
Soccer star verbally committed to Westmont College in 2020
*Updated version from “Roots: A Redwood Magazine Vol.2 Issue.1” pages 50-51 released on December 11, 2020. By Sydney Brammer Four-time varsity soccer player, Elise Hyde, ’22 is an outside defender […]
Link Crew Makes A Recovery From The 2020-2021 School Year
Link Crew has been challenged by Covid-19, but takes a victory lap with the trunk or treat and carnival they put on for the 2020-2021 school year. The class/club re-work their events, in order to follow the Covid-19 guidelines, and continue to move forward.
During Covid most teenagers started their own business to pass time. Camryn Deisman ‘22 started her business of selling jewelry.
Mental Health: A student’s perspective
By Hannah Stephens As we dive into this year, many students have faced struggles keeping grades up, going to school consistently, and prioritizing/dealing with their own hardships at home. It […]