Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
The Last Will and Testament of the Class of 2022 [senior edition]
I, Brianna Abney, will to Emmah Abney my Redwood gear, costumes, and parking spot. I, Presley Acosta, will to Clare Gonzales my water polo cap number nine. I, Vincent Aldridge, […]
Senior Club Presidents Say Goodbye [senior edition]
By Sydney Brammer As the 21-22 school year comes to a close, Redwood’s clubs around campus are beginning to say their farewells to their senior presidents. Many of the seniors […]
Rangers Say: Redwood’s bathroom privileges
By Devon McWilliams Redwood’s bathroom policy happens to be the most inconvenient problem for on-campus students. You’re in class waiting until the remainder of the period to ask the teacher […]
Rangers’ Reactions to the 2022 Yearbook
May 24th was Redwood’s annual Log Night where the yearbook staff handed out the yearbook to those who purchased one. Rangers both involved with the yearbook class and not involved share their reactions to the 2022 Redwood Yearbook Capture the Comeback.