By: Liliana Madrigal, Beth Musto, Chloe Falco

This week at Redwood Rangers dressed up to keep the school spirit bright for homecoming.  They share their thoughts and feelings about the first spirit week of the year.

“Rangers in a Candy Store”

Monday was class colors. Freshman were blue, Sophomores were pink, juniors were green, seniors were red. Each class color represented different candies. 

Brenya Soto ’26 says, “It was cool seeing all the freshmen and everyone dress up and seeing how many people we have in our school.” 

Kaitlyn White ‘23 says, “It was really interesting, I loved seeing the different colors on campus… it was really fun kind of guessing ‘cause I didn’t know what the colors were.”

“I liked seeing the colors on campus because I feel really united with my class, as Seniors wearing red,” says White.

Students matching with their class color created the sense of unity throughout the whole campus.

“Dress with your Oompa Loompas”

Tuesday was twin/squad day. Redwood Rangers matched as a duo or with a squad. 

Elizabeth Belflower ‘26 says, “I think they’re cool, it’s a nice way to get involved, we all wore Waldo t-shirts and beanies.”

Leonardo Ramirez ‘26 says, “I was like excited for this day because like I had a whole outfit you know I was just really excited to match with my friends.”

Many students went all out and even prepared ahead of time to show out and express their school spirit.

Licorice Ropin’ into Hoco

Wednesday was “Licorice Rope Into Hoco-Western”. Everyone got to dress up like Cowboys and Cowgirls!

Eliza Howard ‘23 says, “I was wearing boots, boot-cut jeans, and my red flannel shirt. It was a little hot to be dressed up like that, personally, I think that western gear is really comfortable, so I was pretty comfy yesterday.”

Students pushed through the heat and showed out in their Western gear and had fun playing with the many different ways to dress up in this style. 

“World of Pure Imagination”

Thursday was Future Career Day, Rangers got to wear what they wanted to be in the future or the college they might want to go to! 

April Gutierrez ‘23 says, “I didn’t dress up because I’m not sure on what I wanted to be when I’m older. 

“I work at Cold Stones, so I was planning to wear that, but my friend he’s one of the top five nominees so I was wearing his shirt,” says Gutierrez. 

Jessica Lan ‘23 shares her thoughts on why she thought Future Career Day was suitable for homecoming week.

Lan says “I think it is a great opportunity to show everyone else on campus what you want to do in the future.”

“Golden Ticket”

The last day of Homecoming week was themed “GoldenTicket”. Rangers wear blue and the homecoming nominees wear gold.

Students share their excitement about the last dress up day.

Jacob Coburn ‘24, “I think that it’s cool that the school is making a fun week for us as students”

He says,“I dressed up in a bunch of superfan attire because it’s superfan friday and I want to support my school that I love so much.”

As a senior, Jimena Madera ‘23 says “ I’m excited for this homecoming because I get the opportunity to flag run this year!”

“I think today is a great dress up day because it gets everyone excited for the game,” says Madera.

Liliana Madrigal
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Liliana Madrigal '26 is a second year journalist.


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