Post Tagged with: "rangers"
Redwood Holds Annual One Act Show for the First Time in Three Years
In preparation for Redwoods Annual One Act Show, members in Drama and Theater have dedicated the past 12 weeks into practicing for this show which is taking place in the Rotary theater on May 26, 27, and 28.
Everything Entertainment Episode 6: America Vasquez Lara on Being Redwood High School’s Upcoming Drum Major
Podcast hosted by Jalen Bullock ’23, co-hosted by Isaac Reynoso ’23, and edited by Aidan Hatch ’22 In the 6th episode of the Everything Entertainment Podcast, Bullock and Reynoso bring […]
Redwood’s Students Share Their Experience with Powderpuff 2022
The annual powderpuff game was held on Thursday, May 12th in the Mineral King Bowl at 6:30 pm. The football game between juniors and seniors ended with the class of 2022 taking home the win.
Why You Should “Be Nice” at Redwood | The Ranger Lifestyle: Episode 7 with Keira Bixler and Sabrina Hirani
By Micah Stipech In the final episode of the special three-part series, Keira Bixler ’24 and Sabrina Hirani ’22 bring their perspective on life to discuss the importance of uplifting […]