Post Tagged with: "rangers"
Halloween Movies That Bite Back!
Hey freaky ghouls and gals! Halloween is coming around the corner and it’s time to revisit the most beloved horror movies. During this month of October, Redwood Rangers recommended some of their favorite Halloween classics.
Rangers Cross Country Takes the Season Step by Step
Visalia, CA- On Saturday, September 30th, Redwood Placed 2nd in both Men’s and Women’s Varsity in the annual Golden West Invitational. Ellie Atashkarian ’24, Zack Vargas ’26, and Andres Nino ’27 speak on the team’s performance and successes at the start of the season.
Girls Varsity Water Polo Show up and Show out Against Monache
The Rangers took home the win in their match against Monache on Monday, October 2nd, with a final score of 21-7. By: Mia Trevino Mia Larsen, ’26, plays any position […]
JV Girls Waterpolo Retrospective: The first league games
Players reveal their most exciting moments from their first two league games of the season, against El Diamante and Porterville.