Post Tagged with: "ffa"
Wasem, Andrade, and Richard Re-Elected to Serve on FFA Cabinet
FFA [Future Farmers of America] holds elections every spring to select officers for the upcoming school year.
FFA’s Unique Election Process: How Does It Work?
Redwood FFA [Future Farmers of America] recently elected officers to serve the 2022-2023 term.
FFA profits from the Tulare County Fair dramatically increase
This year, Redwood’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) club reached an all-time high in profits when selling their student-raised livestock at the annual Tulare County Fair. Despite the smaller numbers […]
From Mr. Coon’s Desk: The 2021 FFA Fair and the Future of Agriculture
Every year Redwood’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) club raises lambs to show, then sell at the Tulare County Fair. This year is different from previous years. After COVID-19 put […]