Post Tagged with: "dance force"
Insight on our Performing Rangers
Redwood has a well known reputation for producing many outstanding performances conducted by their young rangers. With school starting back up Redwood’s performers are back in action, spectators are finally able to watch all the hard work these kids have put in through these tough times.
No Song? No Problem! Dance Force and Cheer Continue their Routine Through Difficulties
In the middle of their performance, Cheer and Dance Force suddenly found themselves in the middle of the football field with no music playing, and with the entire crowd’s attention. Rather than stopping, these girls all carried out their routine in sync as if the music were still playing. Once they finished, the crowd lit up in a roar to applaud the effort that these teams put into not giving up on their routine.
Dance Force Back at FNL
Dance Force performed their first performance of the 2021-2022 school year on Friday September 10th at Redwood’s annual Homecoming game.
Redwood’s first ever outdoors rally: Homecoming
The Tuesday, September 7 rally was a great way to kick off Redwood’s Disney-themed Homecoming week. Rally tradition was asserted, as this was the first rally since the Coronavirus pandemic, […]