Post Tagged with: "arts and entertainment"
Ranger Band Sees New Success with the new “Normal”
How do Redwood’s band members feel about competing against other high schools?
Redwood’s Intermediate Orchestra returns with a large class size
Redwood High School is now properly back in action; students are getting accustomed to their routines, classes, and lives here. The major groups participating in Redwood are now in full-swing, […]
Redwood student, William Youngquist prepares for New York Film Festival
The All-American High School Film Festival is one of the largest film festivals in the nation. This festival in particular compliments high school students and their work in cinematography, as […]
What is Redwood Choir’s obsession with John Cena?
Redwood’s Choir has an obsession with John Cena and there is a straight-forward reason behind it. If it was possible, just about everything involving choir would have John Cena in […]