By: Aleena Sanchez

Having restrictions of needing to stay six feet apart in order to walk around campus starts to collide with getting to class conveniently and quickly. Throughout Redwood’s campus there are stickers and arrows on the floor pointing to where you have to go and also which doors you can enter through. 

From going to being able to walk and enter any way you want to, to there being very strict ways to go through, it is a hassle and something that students will have to get used to with in-person learning.

Mia Trevino, ‘22 says, “The walk ways are very inconvenient as to having to take the long path to get to every class and I end up tardy even when I get to school early.” 

Even with the 10 minute passing period, when you could take any path throughout the school it was still hard getting to class on time going from one side of campus to the other. Now, with only one way to get to class, it certainly makes things not only cramped and squished with other students but also hard because it isn’t very convenient.

Trevino also says, “One of my main concerns is with the entrances, the one that used to be used the most is the gate under the bridge, which is no longer open.”

Students who drive can’t park on the Sierra Vista campus because their last class ends on the main campus. This makes it very difficult to get to class since they have to enter through the main entrance while also needing to walk all the way through the campus to get to the bridge and then go through Vista to get to their destination.

Jannette Ochoa, ‘21 says, “I understand the new conditions but there is a big interference when there are less ways to be separated and more to be close together instead of being apart.”

Many students are noticing a lot of inconveniences with the new walkways and it is a big concern for many. It is a big talk around campus, since it isn’t working for many.

Although there are many precautions that were made for students to come back to school, are they working sufficiently? 

There are many rules that we have to follow now that we are back to school, these new walkways may not be something that are helping with social distancing, but we have to understand it’s the best that can be done.

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