By: Katelyn Weddle

(Photo above courtesy of Unsplash)

March 13, 2021 marked one full year of school closure for high school students. While it is not confirmed, high schools may be returning to in-person learning. How do the students feel about this?

Photo courtesy of Carlos Gonzalez

Carlos Gonzalez, ‘24 says that he is looking forward to seeing friends on campus, and being more engaged in the classroom. Gonzalez admits that it is a struggle to stay focused during online classes, especially for what should be hands-on learning like Ag Mechanics. He is hopeful that things will be easier once he goes back in-person.

When asked about any worries, Gonzalez says, “I’m definitely worried about safety and getting settled into campus life, but I’m sure everything will pan out fine.” He goes on to talk about how different in-person classes would be from previous years, especially with social distancing and wearing a mask all day.

Gonzalez ends his thoughts by saying that it might be hard to make connections with others, “but eventually everyone will have to adjust to this new feeling of campus life. 

Photo courtesy of Klaryssa Munoz-Gonzalez

Klaryssa Munoz-Gonzalez, ‘23 says, “I’m looking forward to the interaction with people my age other than my family and small groups for sports.” She explains that she is worried about getting sick, as she has a little sibling at home to watch out for. Besides this, her only other concern is trying to adapt back to the A-B schedule, and just simply getting ready for school in the morning.

Photo courtesy of Keira Zachary

Keira Zachary, ‘23 says that she is excited to see other people, be able to socialize, and just get out of the house. Zachary explains, “For me personally, I am a better learner in a classroom, so being in front of a teacher and with other students in the class is gonna help me.” She notes that adjusting to another new schedule is a little worrisome, but overall, she feels ready to go back.

Zachary ends her thoughts by saying, “Honestly I think that we are all excited to go back, but I don’t think students should keep their hopes too high because cases could go back up and we could be sent home again.”

Nathaniel Lim, ‘21 says that he is looking forward to learning in a classroom to help limit distractions and stay on task. He adds that it will be nice to talk to people in-person. Lim is worried that he will not be able to have lunch with his friends or hang out with them in close proximity because of social distancing rules.

He ends with saying that waking up early and getting ready for school may take up more time than he is used to compared to the current schedule.  

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