The view from the beautiful hike
Picture by Robert Garcia

By Robert Garcia

Did you know that you can only find sequoia trees in California? The outdoors is a wonderful place to be when exploring nature or just a great way for anyone to go outside more often. The Outdoor Club is a great way for students to explore and to feel the beauty of nature.

Mr. McNitt, the club advisor, very much enjoyed his hiking adventure, saying, “It was a good experience, I enjoyed it, I always like going to the mountains! It’s where I feel comfortable.” 

In fact, McNitt designed this club because it gives students a great opportunity to experience nature first hand. It’s also a great way for foreign exchange students to visit places they would’ve never possibly been to. “We have foreign exchange students who are coming from other parts of the world who have never seen this,” McNitt says.

The trip itself was very refreshing and beautiful to see all the animals, greenery, and trees that are as big as buildings, and views that most people wouldn’t expect to see at all in their life, especially at such a young age.

“It changes everything you see afterward. You can’t really look at the world the same once. It’s humbling, centering, and just brings a sense of peace for me,” says McNitt

Giselle Lopez, ‘20, a club member that attended the Sequoia trip, very much enjoyed her experience and loves to experience nature. “It was really fun, I like seeing nature and the trees, fresh air, and how it feels compared to Visalia.”

Christan Vargez, ‘22, another club member that volunteered to go to the Sequoia park also, very much loves to see nature and thought it was exciting to see all of the things he didn’t expect to see.

“The experience was really thrilling, it was nice, peaceful, and relaxing for all of us to be free and just go on a hike,” says Vargez.

Nature is a great way to be relieved of stress and hard work, however, the hike was about 7,000ft of elevation and 9miles and was also challenging to go uphill.

A hike is an amazing thing for everyone to accomplish, whether it’s a small or large hike, it’s a great way for anybody to go outside and explore. So get out there and go experience a hike for yourself!

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