By Sydney Brammer and Donya Hassanshahi

This year’s spring musical, Footloose, comes live to Redwood High School February 17, 18, and 19. The 1980s film Footloose takes place in Elmore City, Oklahoma, where there is a law instilled making public dancing illegal. Character Ren McCormack, played by Kylen Gray, ‘22, is new to town and instantly challenges authority to make it legal. 

In the film, character McCormack untimely falls in love with Reverend Shaw’s stubborn and independent daughter Ariel Moore, played by Brooke O’Leary, ‘22. The unconforming couple then work together to challenge authority and host a school dance to bring back expression and a sense of community.

Redwood High’s interpretation of the coming of age film was entertaining and very impressive. From the different-colored lighting, stagecraft, costumes, and hair to the dancing, acting, and vocals, Redwood’s Footloose was one to remember.

The choreography was entertaining and very expressive, as were each of the actors’ vocals. The costumes, hair, and makeup really presented the 1980s setting of the film, making it fun and enjoyable to watch.

Each of the actors truly made their casted roles their own. The star of the show, Kylen Gray, ‘22, portraying Ren McCormack, is exactly that- a star. He exhibits a truly phenomenal performance from the way he expresses McCormack’s anger, sarcasm, humor, arrogance, and rebel-like personality through his dancing, vocals, and facial expressions.

Gray says regarding his character, “[Ren] is so fun to play, I’ve enjoyed it every step of the way. All the decisions I get to make as [him] are just extremely fun.”

Sharing co-star, Brooke O’Leary, ‘22, casted as Ariel Moore, also displayed quite the performance. From her and Gray’s mannerisms throughout the scenes, it is evident they both know their characters well. O’Leary expresses the stubborn, rule-breaking, flirty character Moore is, whilst Gray does the same with his tough-guy, noncomforming character.

Since the age of six, O’Leary has been involved with theater. Taking into account all that she has achieved in the performing arts, O’Leary favors this rendition of Footloose. 

The return from almost a two-year absence from interacting with peers and directors orchestrating student productions implicated much to learn. O’Leary admits that the hard work resulted in an amazing outcome, “The directing staff and the cast are awesome and everyone was incredibly patient and understanding throughout the entire rehearsal process.”

Not only did the leading roles provide an amazing experience for audience members, but supporting roles including Shaw Moore, Vi Moore, and Ethel McCormack brought emotional depth. The views of both teenagers and parents in the town of Elmore City were vividly exemplified. 

Gray is most excited to perform the “I Can’t Stand Still” scene. He says, “This was the perfect character to end on for my time at Redwood.”

It can be agreed how well these roles were casted, as the actors’ chemistry was portrayed extravagantly. Casted ensemble members complimented the leads and surrounding characters incorporated within the plotline.

The colorful wardrobe and 80s’ hairstyles correlated to the scene in the moment. On stage, the set design was breathtaking, and surprising to say the least. Overall, the visual representation added an extra element of pleasure throughout the entire performance. 

Throughout the musical, orchestra members in the pit executed the soundtrack exceptionally well. Sequences within Footloose will definitely demonstrate the time and effort dedicated into making the musical an unforgettable experience. 

To see this relatively special musical for yourself, it opens Thursday night, February 17 at 7pm. Other showtimes include: February 18 at 7pm and the 19 at 2pm in the L.J Williams Theater. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time online, or at the door.

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