By Madison Fortney

On Wednesday, Redwoods Digital Art Club, “RAD” members and the president Sherrie Clark, ’21, demonstrated how important these smaller and newer clubs are to students looking for ways to let their creativity flow! 

“What started as an animation club; we realized members found it as a place to also hang out so the decision was made to start a more relaxed program with more options such as digital art, Photoshop, and photography tips!” says Clark.

Although they are barely starting out, many people showed their interest and signed up on club day. RAD meets every Thursday in the Sierra Vista art room (room 12),  from 3:30-5! Be sure to check them out!

Maybe digital art just isn’t your thing, that is perfectly fine! Here at Redwood we offer many clubs that will fit your interests! Surf Club may be a club you find interesting. It’s an exciting club that allows you to travel with your friends. It also helps you learn how to surf, visit the ocean, and escape the valley. If you are interested in a exciting and new club, you should definitely sign up for Surf club and hang ten with your bros. The surf club president said “Surf club is a club that wants to give an opportunity to Redwood students to allow them to experience surfing and the beach.” The surf club will be taking a spring break day trip to the beach, if you are interested in this pleasant experience, listen for upcoming dates and meetings. 

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