By Aaralyn See
Many dance groups at Redwood are performing for the 8th graders on Thursday, Feb. 16th. There are students who are in different dance groups such as Dance force, Hip hop, Advance and International dance.

Alejandra Gutierrez ‘24 says the purpose of the whole performance is “to show the eighth graders the variety Redwood has to offer for them in their near future.” She feels ready for the performance.
Gutierrez ’24 is in Advance dance and hip hop which are both unique in their own way. She said “Advance dance focuses a lot more on different dance styles like tap, lyrical, jazz, and so on. Hip Hop focuses solely on hip hop style and finding your own style.”
Gutierrez enjoys both dance classes, but personally likes hip hop more because she says “I find it more fun and exciting when dancing!” Her dance classes are currently practicing and cleaning their routine, so they can give their best performance.

Abril Gutierrez ‘23 is another Redwood student that is in International dance and Hip hop. She said she’s really excited because they haven’t performed in a while.
Gutierrez also performed for the 8th graders last year as well and she says that it was fun because she was with people that she knew and it was also her first performance since covid. She says “my favorite part of it was performing and how they reacted to it because it makes us feel proud of our performance.”
She feels very prepared and excited to perform for an audience. She says, “I think the purpose of this is to welcome the 8th graders and influence them into joining activities at Redwood.”
Both dance groups are quite different in their own style and Gutierrez says “international is a dance where you dance with a partner and it’s more simple. Hip hop is more choreo to learn and at a faster pace.” She personally states that hiphop is more of her style.

Makayla Bullock ‘24 is in both Dance force, Hip hop and International. She says that all the dance groups are different because they incorporate completely diverse styles of dance.
Bullock enjoys all of her classes but she says, “Dance force is my team, so it’s a completely different vibe and feeling because we perform and compete together.” She describes dance force as a special bond.
She says the purpose of the whole performance is “to get the 8th graders excited about what’s in store when they arrive at Redwood their freshman year” and as an individual she feels very prepared.
Alejandra Gutierrez says, “I just hope to have fun dancing and can show that energy to next year’s freshman!”
Tags: arts, arts & entertainment, dance, performances, performing arts, rangers, redwood dance, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood rangers, rhs