By: Olivia Gonzalez 

Redwood and Mt. Whitney unite to enjoy a night of rival showdown.

The comeback of the Rival Showdown at Taylor’s Hot Dogs was held on Wednesday October 26th from 6pm to 8pm. Redwood Rangers and Mt. Whitney Pioneers came together to experience one of the many events during Cowhide week. 

Students were able to enjoy a battle of the bands with the cheer teams, as well as dance force and a dunk tank competition between both of the schools.

Redwood ASB Savannah Torres ‘23 and Mt.Whitney ASB president Alex Elick ’23 guided the two groups to make the night come together. The two took on different responsibilities to get the job done. 

Redwood was in charge of the community event and was able to have Campus Life provide the dunk tank; they then passed the rest over to Mt.Whitney. The Pioneers were in charge of advertising which was to post on Instagram and get the word out.

As the rival tension is high they overcame them in order to connect the two schools. Elick says “It was pretty easy because of CADA in the summer so we all knew each other so we all worked pretty well.” 

The night was intended to bring everyone together before the big game on Friday. Torres says, “I think it honestly shows a lot of sportsmanship for all of us to get together, it brings a lot of excitement to Cowhide”

“I think it builds up hype and it also brings the entire community together so that way there is no tension, it’s all good fun,” says Elick.

Dance Force member, Piper Lambert ‘24  says, “It was so much fun just trying to compete with them. I think it’s a good way to get people motivated to come and hype them up.” 

One of yearbook’s photographers, Iliana Covarrubias ‘24, shares how it feels to be looking from the outside in. “I think it’s really special, it makes me want to come out more to support the school. I’m here working but I’m also here to enjoy it,” she says.

The dunk tank competition included three students from each school with their best efforts to dunk the other principal. They were each given multiple shots to try to complete the competition.

Mt.Whitney’s principal, Mr. Aguilar came out on top as the winner of the competition and shares his feelings on the win. Aguilar says “I was cold and nervous, I had the water up to my knees so I was fearful I was going to get dunked since the water is cold.”

Redwood’s Principal, Dr. Richard, was the unlucky one who got dunked during the competition. She says, “I honestly didn’t think I was going to get dunked based on seeing Mr. Aguilar get dunked so I was not expecting it.”

Richard adds, “I think it’s good to see the community supporting the rivalry game at Taylor’s Hot Dogs and for them to host it I thought was really awesome.”

Olivia Gonzalez
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Olivia Gonzalez '24 is a third year writer for the Redwood Gigantea. She is interested in looking deeper into the lives of students at Redwood. Outside of Gigantea, she is apart of the Law and Justice academy and CSF here at Redwood Highschool. You can reach her by email at


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