By: Chloe Falcon-Barros

Redwood shows the love by dressing up and dressing out.

Roses are red, violets are blue, Redwood students show their love by dressing up on love week.

Max Gonzalez ’26

Love week is a tradition at Redwood High School that was started by none other than a Redwood teacher, Mr. Nicholas Miller. And the tradition continues with students showing their love for the week by dressing up. 

Each “Love Week” is given dress up days that are able be enjoyed by the students of Redwood.

On Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, people show their Love by bringing anything but a backpack. That was a very big challenge for some people bringing strollers, baskets, and even walkers over the bridge. 

Max Gonzalez ‘26 shares how he dealt with his walker. He says, “I fell once but people helped me up and I just carried it over the bridge.” 

On Wednesday people showed their love by dressing up as someone they look up to or admire. Whether it’s dressing up as a loved one or dressing up as a celebrity, Redwood students show their love on that day. 

Camille Bigelow 23’ says,“ I felt like if I had dressed up as someone, like my mom or dad it would have been hard to tell. So that is why I went with a celebrity because it was more well-known.”

Luzciel Ponce ’24

Bigelow was inspired by Harry Styles, she wore leather pants and a boa to match his attire.  

Swipe left or swipe right, students showed their dating status on Thursday by wearing the color that matched the status. Wearing white meant single, pink was talking,red was dating, and black was player. 

 Miah Palomino ‘24 came to school wearing the color red. She says, “[The dress up day] something that we do every year. So it’s like a tradition for Redwood to do on love week.” 

Go big or go home, students at Redwood went all out with the pink on Friday, wear pink or your love week shirt.

Luzciel Ponce-Esquibel ‘24 says, “ I own a lot of pink so it was really easy for me to pick out my outfit.” 

Chloe Falcon
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Chloe is a class of '26 enthusiasts who loves drama and is a journalist for the Redwood Gigantea.


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