By: Krystal Oliva

With the new year in, rangers are excited for new music from their favorite artists. 

With much diversity all around campus, students share some of their music taste and who they are excited to listen to this year. Various artists were mentioned when rangers were asked who they were thrilled to see drop this new year.

Sebastian Zamudio ‘25 is excited for the very popular “Tyler Gregory Okonma”, otherwise known as “Tyler The Creator”’ to produce more new music this year. He is known for his various types of genres and for his unique voice style.

Tyler The Creator on Twitter denying the name of the album being called “Welcome to the Disco”.

This famous artist is speculated to be releasing his new album rumored to be called “Welcome To The Disco” (although he denied that it was the name of the album) around April of 2023.

When asked what expectations they have for this album, Zamudio ‘26 says, “I expect it to be really good, or at least listenable.”

Carmel Hall 26’ is also looking forward to Tyler The Creator to drop this year. When asked how they think this album will affect the standards of their music taste or other artists she says, “You already know Tyler The Creator come out with some bomb music, there’s nothing bad to expect from it, unlike other artist who drop terrible albums.”

There are many artists who havent dropped albums in years. But are very well known across the world. One of them being “Robyn Rihanna Fenty” otherwise known as “Rihanna”.

She is well known for her amazing vocals and acting. Rihanna is an artist who has made music of many different genres throughout the years.

Her last album “Anti” was released on January 28 2016. It is rumored that she will be dropping an album this year. She has confirmed she will be performing for the 2023 Super-Bowl.

A ranger that is thrilled for Rhianna to compose a new album is Lily Zapata ‘26. She has been a fan of Rihanna since her childhood. She expects for the album “to be a banger.” When asked how she expects Rihanna new music to be like.

“I expect it to be really good cause she hasn’t been doing music for years now.”

J. Cole’s message to his producer talking about new lyrics.

Another artist that was acknowledged this past year for their many talents is none other than the famous “Jermaine Lamarr Cole”, otherwise known as “J. Cole.” He is an American rapper and producer who has made a lot of great albums since he started his career.

It has been rumored that he is coming out with a new album this year. Although there is no official release date, the album is rumored to be titled, “It’s A Boy”, or “The Fall-Off Season.”

Andres Lara ‘24 has been a big J. Cole has been a fan since he was four years old, he is very passoniate about J.Cole’s music and claims to be his biggest fan.

When asked how he would think this album dropping will affect the standards of other artists or his music taste he says, “I think that other artists won’t be able to top J. Cole’s music this year, so it’s gonna be hard for them to try to make music that’s going to top him as an artist.”  

“J. Cole is the greatest artist of our generation.”

Krystal Oliva
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Krystal Oliva '24 is a two year journalist and a wrtiter for the entertainment section in the Redwood Gigantea. Krystal enjoys meeting new people and trying new things.


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