By: Ella Carney and Ciera Sesock

Life without AP classes

AP classes are just another way to stress kids out even more than they already are. Most kids who are taking AP classes also are involved in extra circulars and all it does is add another task for them to complete before the next day. If you look at the big picture everyone can graduate whether they are taking AP classes or not. And that is the main goal for all students in high school, is to graduate.

Yes AP classes definitely look better on your college transcripts compared to a kid who is not taking those advanced courses. But does it really matter as long as you get into college after high school? If you are a person who has big goals for your future and are aiming at colleges such as Stanford, Oxford, Yale and so on then yes AP classes could give you a little extra edge. But in the end, employers are just looking to see what degrees you have. Are they really that much more impressed that you got your Bachelors, Masters, or even Doctors at Stanford versus a place like Sonoma State? Research proves that question not true. Employers truly care about the skills that you show them and what value you add to that company.

Now that students wanting to take AP classes have to register extremely early and pay for the test in advance aswell … they make you sign up for the college board website… now… deadline is November (bulletin) cannot pay in person, you must pay online in full. if you withdraw you will loose most your money (Double Check)

Life with AP classes

With AP classes, you are definitely busier. I am a three sport athlete, and I am taking AP Euro. Compared to last year, my amounts of homework have increased and my free time has decreased. I have had to learn how to deal with my busy schedule, as I work to be my best in academics and athletics.

Time management has become a huge part of my life. In the first week of my AP class, I felt crunched for time. However, over the last few months of school, I have gained many new time management skills that are useful in my AP class as well as other aspects of my life.

AP classes are harder and have much more homework. So, what can you gain from taking them? AP classes definitely have their benefits. With AP classes, you can get a grade bump that will boost your GPA. They also can be taken in place of some college courses. If you get them done now, you won’t have to take them later. Also, they look great on college applications. AP courses do require high intelligence that you provide. Although, both sides have valid points and in the end it is just a matter of opinion.

Now students wanting to take AP classes have to register extremely early and pay for the test in advance aswell. They make you sign up on the college board website and the deadline to get that in is in the Redwood Bulletin. Remember that you cannot pay in person, you must pay online in full.

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