By: Ella Carney

Freshman Mika Temmerman ‘22 plays tennis, has a good work ethic, maintains a social life, takes honors classes, and does it all with a smile on her face.

She definitely thinks the egg came before the chicken and would travel to Narnia if she could. She does say that Belgium was the most interesting place she has been so far in her lifetime.

She deals with a busy schedule but manages her time by making sure she balances out her time between all that she does and makes sure to put down her phone and not use it until she finishes all her work. She makes sure she has time to study along with making time to get out on the tennis courts to practice. And because of that, she has good grades reflecting her work ethic.

When the topic of animals comes up Mika loves dogs and says “I am definitely a dog person by far.”  And if she could have one superpower she would definitely choose invisibility because “you could walk around and nobody could see you.”

Temmerman has been playing tennis for only a year and a half and loves the game almost as much and she loves to hang out with friends or getting into a good book.

Temmerman has her sights set on going to UCLA after her time here at Redwood. She loves the school and an added bonus would be living in LA for her.

“Mika’s point of view on life” would be the title of a book written on herself. And would be described as funny, sweet, and tall. She lives by the words her mom has told her time and time again, “do not ever care what others think.”

Temmerman works hard every day and continues to do well in school. She strives for greatness and continues to live up to being a T.R.U.E Ranger. 

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