By: Sabrina Hirani

Many did not know the March 13 was going to be our last day at school. Right now it’s been 7 weeks since the school closure and many of our Rangers have been keeping themselves busy.

Many have been enjoying themselves at home by enjoying family time, or have been taking care of themselves by catching up on some sleep or meditating. With many keeping themselves busy, some really have been bored and haven’t have anything to do instead of eating and watching Netflix all day long.

There are many different activities other than self care. You can also pick an activity and try to make it your hobby. For example like photography. If you haven’t tried photography, now is the time. You can practice taking different pictures around your house and go outside in your backyard to take some pictures of your family members to get some practice. With enjoying this skill, you can also make it a hobby.

Also if you are bored and looking for something to do, TikTok never disappoints. On TikTok there are many different creations that people have tried. If you guys are good at creating, TikTok can help with that. One of the top most ideas that people are making right now is fluffy coffee. Many people have posted different sorts of fluffy coffee, like matcha fluffy coffee. With the inspiration of fluffy coffee many people also have been making fluffy strawberry and cocoa milk as well.

What you can also do if you want to pass Q time positively is to organize your work space or room. Many people have been bored and confused on what to make most of this time too. You can use this time to organize your workplace and room. Everyone mostly has problems in organizing so with this time, you can organize the areas of yours that you want to organize.

With us being in self-quarantine, it is always helpful to have something to do rather that be self care or having a new hobby to do. Since this may last a while, it is recommended to have an activity to do to past this time positively.

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