Axolotl’s, also known as the Mexican Walking Fish, this critically endangered salamander is naturally found only in the local waterways near Mexico City. Rapid urbanization and subsequent water pollution have destroyed much of the creature’s habitat, and the introduction of non-native species into the salamander’s habitat had a detrimental impact on dwindling population.

The axolotl can live beyond 20 years, the creature’s average lifespan is closer to a decade. The axolotl is also alive and well in laboratories around the world, and is a staple of the exotic pet trade.

The salamander typically grows to be just under a foot in length. Mexican walking fish have wide heads and underdeveloped limbs that possess thin, long digits. Mexican walking fish have pedicellate (almost fang like) teeth. Each side is split into three branches, which is covered with feathery pink filaments.

The most bizarre feature of the axolotl is the retention of its branch-like gills, which project outwards from the neck, on each side of the head. They are found in gray, brown, golden albino, white albino and black colors. They have short legs with four digits in front and five on the hind feet. They have a three-chambered amphibian heart.

Mexican walking fish come in various colours, including dark brown , olive, black, albino and golden forms, which also have bright pink gills and a piebald (spotted) form, which is seldom seen. They also have the ability to undergo metamorphosis (similar to a tadpole changing into a frog) and change to an air breathing, land dwelling, salamander, but this very seldom occurs. Axolotls are the larval stage of a salamander, and are different from other amphibians in that they have the ability to reproduce while remaining a sexually mature larva. It seems that most strains have now lost the ability to metamorphose.

The word axolotl comes from the Aztec language of Nahuatl. According to Aztec mythology, the Aztec God Xolotl is believed to have transformed into an axolotl.

In the absence of small pebbles, the creature may attempt to swallow other small objects in the water, like plastic pollution, which can be extremely harmful to its health. the axolotl is known to swallow small gravel and small pebbles, which help the creature maintain its buoyancy in the water.

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