During this 23-24 season, there are four sophomores in Varsity Mens Basketball; Aiden Burr ’26, Malaki DeRose ’26, Noah Robles ’26, and Jack Volchko ’26.

By: Ben Newell

Basketball season is looking strong with their team this season, not to mention the four sophomores on the Mens Varsity team.

DeRose, ’26, says, “It’s been great so far (being a sophomore on varsity) It really boosts my confidence because it shows how hard I worked my freshman year.”

Noah Robles ’26

DeRose has high hopes for the team this upcoming season. He says, “I’m looking forward to winning it all, we are doing good right now so i want to keep it up.”

Aiden Burr ’26

Volchko ’26, says, “It’s very intense, there’s a lot of big players out there. So it can be pretty intimidating at times.” 

When asked what he’s looking forward to, Volchko replies, “Having that Varsity experience is way better than JV. But it’s still a big kind of jump, the players are bigger, and there’s a lot more people at the game. “

Robles, ’26, explains the slight intimidation being a sophomore on Varsity. He says, “It’s a bit different, you know, playing bigger and better out there.”

Jack Volchko ’26

When asked what he’s looking forward to in the season, Aiden Burr is anxious to continue the season with a strong record. He explains that, “There are a lot more experienced players out there. It is a lot more faster paced on Varisty, but it’s really fun.”

DeRose finishes by saying, “I just want to make myself a better player, and just keep improving for next season.” 

Malakai De Rose ’26
Ben Newell
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Ben Newell loves writing and telling stories. Ben is creative and loves listening to the world around him. Newell is currently writing for the sports section


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