By Caleb Feliz

With Redwood’s first home game, the school’s Band made an appearance, as always, along with a host of Freshman instrumentalists. Lucas Washam (Clarinet) and Jackson Ford (Trumpet), ’22, describe their Redwood Band experience. “Our shows are a lot more exciting,” Washam says, explaining the new environment in the RHS Band.

There was plenty of new music to be expected at in the upcoming football event. The two Band students revealed what is practiced in the Band, including a piece called “Fusion” which was to be played at the game, among other things such as the NFL theme and Seven Nation Army. Finally, one more thing anticipated from the RHS Band on game night was the “Field Show”, likely one of the most notable performances of the event.

Band member James Lucio, Class of ’22, describes being a Freshman in a “new Band” for everyone. “I’m glad to be a part of it,” he says. “It’s a giant group. Most people are really friendly. It’s a lot of fun to be in … You feel included.” Lucio, being new to the Band community, talks about what is new for the others as well. “They got a new band Director, so everything’s sorta different and I think [for] everybody this year [it] is kind of a new band for them ’cause they have to get used to … not having the same Band Director so we’re basically all on the same page, even like the upper-classmen … I think that just brings us together more because we’re all learning something new.”

Post Game

On the night of Friday 31st, 2018, the first major performance at home this year for the Redwood High School Band, a few of more members of the of the Band say how they feel about their presentation at the event. Band player Erin Olson, Class of ’20, describes how she felt about the Field Show. “At the first run it was interesting, but I feel like the crowd was really riveting with energy.” Another player, Jackie Marquez, depicts her recollection of the experience, “It was great! I’m on a total adrenaline rush right now and we’ve been working super hard so I’m really proud of us.” When asked if she saw if any progress was made she responded “Yeah, definitely. We’ve improved a lot.”

In short, the introduction to the RHS Band in one of its biggest performances yet this year brought an abundance of new material for the audience and the performers to enjoy as the year at Redwood High School kicked off on Friday, the 31st of August, 2018.

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